The demonstrative Pronoun (das hinweisende Fürwort)

Gymnasium 1. Klasse Unterstufe

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RULES (Regeln):
This (Singular) - persons (things) near the speaker → e.g.: This is my son.
These (Plural) - persons (things) near the speaker → e.g.: These are my sons.
That (Singular) - persons (things) fahter away → e.g.: That is my neighbour's son.
Those (Plural) - persons (things) fahter away → e.g.: That are my neighbour's sons.
1. aren't Luke's friends in front of the house. are Luke's friends here.
2. are our bikes in the garden and are the children's bikes in front of our garden.
3. are Georg's pictures on the wall here and are Helen's pictures on the other side of the wall.
4. aren't my pens on the desk over there. are my pens on the floor.
5. are my dad's cars in front of our house and are our friend's cars next door.
6. are my biscuits in the cupboard over there and are the dog's biscuits in its bowl here.
7. aren't my books on the teacher's desk here. are my books on Daniel's desk over there.
8. are my sweets on the table and are your sweets here .
9. are Betty's flowers here and are Mary's flowers on the table.