Gymnasium 1. Klasse Unterstufe

Schreibe die richtige Lösung in die Lücke!
Verwendung von "besitzanzeigenden Fürwörtern"

1. This is my sister. name is Thomas.
2. Tony: I can't find books.
3. Stan has got a little brother. name is Sam.
4. Whose calculator is it. Is it Ann's calculator? Yes, it is calculator.
5. Antony likes Mathematics. teacher is very friendly.
6. Tim is not messy, so room is always tidy.
7. Caroline: When is John's birthday? Susan: birthday is on April 22nd.
8. Teacher: Open books at page 26.
9. Cindy has got two little brothers. names are Tim and Tom.
10. Martha and Jim: In group, four boys collect stamps.
11. Whose house is it? Is it Jack's house? Yes, it is house. Does Ann like new living room?
12. Steve and Joe collect coins. have got more than thousand coins at home.
13. The children play music. The parents likes music.
14. These shirts are beautiful, but are very expensive.
15. Stan and Louis collect minerals. think minerals are interesting.
16. We like new classroom.
17. Linda thinks room is very smal.